@article{CTT100663136, author = {Brady R. Cox and Ross W. Boulanger and Kohji Tokimatsu and Clinton M. Wood and Akio Abe and Scott Ashford and Jennifer Donqhue and Kenji Ishihara and Robert kayen and Kota Katsumata and Tadahiro Kishida and Takaji Kokusho and H.Benjamin Mason and Robb Moss and Janathan P. Stewart and Kazushi Tohyama and Dimitrios Zekkos}, title = {Liquefaction at Strong Motion Stations and in Urayasu City during the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake.}, journal = {Earthquake Spectra}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100663215, author = {時松孝次 and 遠山和嗣 and 鈴木比呂子 and 鈴木康嗣}, title = {地下水位低下工法および排水工法を併用した既存戸建住宅の液状化対策に関する実験的検討}, booktitle = {2013年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(北海道)}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100663200, author = {時松孝次 and 遠山和嗣 and 鈴木比呂子 and 鈴木康嗣}, title = {地下水位低下工法および排水工法を用いた既存戸建て住宅に対する液状化対策の実験的検討}, booktitle = {第48 回地盤工学研究発表会(富山)発表集}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100663144, author = {Kohji Tokimatsu and Kazushi Tohyama and Hiroko Suzuki and Yasutsugu Suzuki}, title = {Experimental Investigation on Dewatering and Drainage Methods to Mitigate Liquefaction Damage to Existing Houses}, booktitle = {Proc. 10th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100630133, author = {KOHJI TOKIMATSU and Shuji Tamura and Kazushi Tohyama and Hiroko SUZUKI and HIROYUKI YOSHIDA and Kohji Tokimatsu and Hiroyuki Yoshida}, title = {Ground Settlements and Earth Pressures around Embedded Foundations Subjected to Strong Ground Shaking}, booktitle = {Proc. of 8th International Conference on urban Earthquake Engineering}, year = 2011, }