@article{CTT100916013, author = {Tatsuya Katabuchi and Yaoki Sato and Karin Takebe and Masayuki Igashira and Seigo Umezawa and Ryo Fujioka and Tatsuhiro Saito and Nobuyuki Iwamoto}, title = {Measurement of the neutron capture cross section of 185Re in the keV energy region}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100842452, author = {Tatsuya Katabuchi and Yosuke Toh and Motoharu Mizumoto and Tatsuhiro Saito and Kazushi Terada and Atsushi Kimura and Shoji Nakamura and Huang Minghui and Gerard Rovira and Masayuki Igashira}, title = {Discovery of a new low energy neutron resonance of 89Y}, journal = {European Physical Journal A: Hadrons and Nuclei}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100758130, author = {Tatsuhiro Saito and Tatsuya Katabuchi and Brian Hales and M. Igashira}, title = {Measurement of thick-target gamma-ray production yields of the 7 Li( p , p ′) 7 Li and 7 Li( p , γ) 8 Be reactions in the near-threshold energy region for the 7 Li( p , n ) 7 Be reaction}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100676474, author = {Kazushi Terada and Tatsuya Katabuchi and Motoharu Mizumoto and Takuro Arai and Tatsuhiro Saito and Masayuki Igashira and Kentaro Hirose and Shoji Nakamura and Atsushi Kimura and Hideo Harada and Jun-ichi Hori and Koichi Kino and Yoshiaki Kiyanagi}, title = {Measurement of neutron capture cross sections of Pd-107 at J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI}, journal = {Progress in Nuclear Energy}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100799372, author = {Tatsuya Katabuchi and Karin Takabe and Seigo Umezawa and Ryo Fujioka and Tatsuhiro Saito and M. Igashira}, title = {Neutron capture cross section of 185 Re leading to ground and isomer states of 186Re in the keV-neutron energy region}, booktitle = {EPJ Web of Conferences}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100706907, author = {長坂 猛 and 井頭 政之 and 片渕 竜也 and 齋藤 辰宏 and 梅澤 征悟 and 藤岡 諒}, title = {Y-89の550keV中性子捕獲断面積およびガンマ線スペクトルの測定}, booktitle = {日本原子力学会 2016年春の年会 予稿集}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100698219, author = {齋藤辰宏 and 井頭 and 片渕 and 柳田祥太郎 and 梅澤征悟}, title = {BNCT用中性子源開発のための陽子-リチウム反応からのガンマ線スペクトルの測定}, booktitle = {日本原子力学会 2015年秋の大会 予稿集}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100698642, author = {Saito Tatsuhiro and Tatsuya Katabuchi and Tomohiro Okamiya and Shotaro Yanagida and Brian Hales and Masayuki Igashira}, title = {Measurement of Gamma-Ray Spectra from a Proton-Lithium Neutron Source for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100669713, author = {寺田和司 and 片渕竜也 and 水本元治 and 新井拓朗 and 齋藤辰宏 and 井頭政之 and 廣瀬健太郎 and 中村詔司 and 木村 敦 and 原田秀郎 and 堀 順一 and 木野幸一 and 鬼柳善明}, title = {J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI NaI(Tl)スペクトロメータを用いたPd-107の中性子捕獲断面積の測定}, booktitle = {日本原子力学会 2013年秋の大会 予稿集}, year = 2013, } @misc{CTT100736226, author = {齋藤辰宏}, title = {BNCT用中性子源陽子‐リチウム反応中性子源からのガンマ線発生に関する研究}, year = 2017, } @misc{CTT100736224, author = {齋藤辰宏}, title = {BNCT用中性子源陽子‐リチウム反応中性子源からのガンマ線発生に関する研究}, year = 2017, } @misc{CTT100736239, author = {齋藤辰宏}, title = {BNCT用中性子源陽子‐リチウム反応中性子源からのガンマ線発生に関する研究}, year = 2017, } @misc{CTT100760460, author = {齋藤辰宏}, title = {BNCT用中性子源陽子‐リチウム反応中性子源からのガンマ線発生に関する研究}, year = 2017, } @phdthesis{CTT100736226, author = {齋藤辰宏}, title = {BNCT用中性子源陽子‐リチウム反応中性子源からのガンマ線発生に関する研究}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2017, } @phdthesis{CTT100736224, author = {齋藤辰宏}, title = {BNCT用中性子源陽子‐リチウム反応中性子源からのガンマ線発生に関する研究}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2017, } @phdthesis{CTT100736239, author = {齋藤辰宏}, title = {BNCT用中性子源陽子‐リチウム反応中性子源からのガンマ線発生に関する研究}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2017, } @phdthesis{CTT100760460, author = {齋藤辰宏}, title = {BNCT用中性子源陽子‐リチウム反応中性子源からのガンマ線発生に関する研究}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2017, }