シエインマンヴエラ 研究業績一覧 (7件)
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Vera Sheinman,
Christiane Fellbaum,
Isaac Julien,
Peter Schulam,
Takenobu Tokunaga.
Large, huge or gigantic? Identifying and encoding intensity relations among adjectives in WordNet,
Language Resrouces and Evaluation,
Vol. 47,
No. 3,
pp. 797-816,
Sept. 2013.
Vera Sheinman,
Takenobu Tokunaga.
AdjScale: Visualizing differences between adjectives for language learners,
IEICE Transaction of Information and Systems,
Vol. E92-D,
No. 8,
pp. 1542-1550,
Aug. 2009.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
Vera Sheinman,
Takenobu Tokunaga,
Isaac Julien,
Peter Schulam,
Christiane Fellbaum.
Refining WordNet adjective dumbbells using intensity relations,
The 6th International Global Wordnet Conference,
Proceedings of the 6th International Global Wordnet Conference,
pp. 303-337,
Jan. 2012.
Vera Sheinman,
Takenobu Tokunaga.
AdjScale: Differentiating between similar adjectives for language learners,
The 1st International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2009),
pp. 229-235,
Mar. 2009.
Vera Sheinman,
Neil Rouben,
徳永 健伸.
Commonly Perceived Order within a Category,
OntoLex 2007: from text to knowledge, ISWC07 Workshop,
Proceedings of OntoLex 2007: from text to knowledge,
Nov. 2007.
Vera Sheinman,
Tokunaga Takenobu.
WordSets: Finding Lexically Similar Words for Second Language Acquisition,
Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing,
Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing,
Sept. 2007.
国内会議発表 (査読有り)
Rubens, N.,
Sheinman, V.,
Tokunaga, T.,
Sugiyama, M.
Order retrieval,
the 3rd International Conference on Large-scale Knowledge Resources (LKR2008,
Large-scale Knowledge Resources, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,,
Berlin, Springer,
Vol. 4938,
pp. 310-317,
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