DebnathTanoy 研究業績一覧 (14件)
Tanoy Debnath,
Takamichi Nakamoto.
Machine learning for Scent: A Method of Extracting Sensing Data for Desired Scent Impressions, Expert systems with applications,
Scientific Reports,
Vol. 12,
pp. 16297,
Sept. 2022.
Tanoy Debnath,
Takamichi Nakamoto.
Extracting Sensing Data for Desired Scent Impressions using mass spectra of odorant molecules,
Scientific Reports,
No. 16297,
Sept. 2022.
Tanoy Debnath,
Takamichi Nakamoto.
Predicting individual perceptual scent impression from imbalanced dataset using mass spectrum of odorant molecules,
Scientific Report,
Vol. 12,
Issue 11,
Mar. 2022.
anoy Debnath,
Dani Prasetyawan,
Takamichi Nakamoto.
Predicting Odor Perception of Mixed Scent from Mass Spectrometry,
Journal od electrochemical society,
Vol. 168,
Nov. 2021.
Tanoy Debnath,
Takamichi Nakamoto.
Predicting human odor perception represented by continuous values from mass spectra of essential oils resembling chemical mixtures,
June 2020.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Machine learning for Scent: Forward and Inverse Perceptual model for Olfactory perception using mass spectrum of Odorant Molecules,
Doctor (Academic),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Machine learning for Scent: Forward and Inverse Perceptual model for Olfactory perception using mass spectrum of Odorant Molecules,
Doctor (Academic),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Machine learning for Scent: Forward and Inverse Perceptual model for Olfactory perception using mass spectrum of Odorant Molecules,
Doctor (Academic),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Machine learning for Scent: Forward and Inverse Perceptual model for Olfactory perception using mass spectrum of Odorant Molecules,
Exam Summary,
Doctor (Academic),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
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