@article{CTT100829288, author = {Akimasa Miyanaga and Shohei Kurihara and Taichi Chisuga and Fumitaka Kudo and Tadashi Eguchi}, title = {Structural Characterization of Complex of Adenylation Domain and Carrier Protein by using Pantetheine Cross-linking Probe}, journal = {ACS Chem. Biol.}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100883607, author = {宮永顕正 and 高橋壯太朗 and 川村紘一 and 栗原将平 and 中澤雄一郎 and 岩井南会子 and 南雲陽子 and 臼井健郎 and 工藤史貴 and 江口正}, title = {マクロラクタム抗生物質ヒタチマイシンの生合成研究}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100845832, author = {千菅太一 and 宮永顕正 and 栗原将平 and 安達成彦 and 川崎政人 and 守屋俊夫 and 千田俊哉 and 工藤史貴 and 江口正}, title = {マクロラクタム抗生物質ヒタチマイシン生合成におけるアデニル化酵素とキャリアタンパク質間相互認識機構}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100851803, author = {Yuta Osako and Shohei HARA and Shinji ANDO and Ryohei ISHIGE}, title = {Liquid-crystalline precursor for uniaxially oriented cross-linkable polyimide toward low thermal expansion material}, booktitle = {3rd G'L'owing Polymer Symposium in KANTO}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100786135, author = {Shohei HARA and Keita YANASE and Kazuyuki TANAKA and Ryohei ISHIGE and Shinji ANDO}, title = {Homeotropic Orientation of Polyimides Induced by Smectic Liquid Crystal of Precursor Solution}, booktitle = {1st G'L'owing Polymer Symposium in KANTO}, year = 2018, }