author = {Kanda T and Abiko G and Kanesaki Y and Yoshikawa H and Iwai N and Wachi M},
title = {RNase E-dependent degradation of tnaA mRNA encoding tryptophanase is prerequisite for the induction of acid resistance in Escherichia coli},
journal = {Sci. Rep.},
year = 2020,
author = {神田健 and 安彦弦太 and 岩井伯隆 and 兼崎友 and 吉川博文 and 和地正明},
title = {大腸菌の酸耐性制御におけるTolC外膜チャネルの役割},
booktitle = {},
year = 2018,
author = {神田健 and 安彦弦太 and 岩井伯隆 and 和地正明},
title = {大腸菌tolC変異株が酸感受性を示す機構の解析},
booktitle = {},
year = 2017,