LISHASHA 研究業績一覧 (9件)
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
Shasha Li,
Shinsuke Miyajima.
[SP2-02] Can Sputtering Be Used as a High-Rate Deposition Technique for Surface Passivation Layer in Silicon Solar Cells?,
The 17th International Symposium on Sputtering & Plasma Processes (ISSP2024),
July 2024.
Shasha Li,
Yasushi Kawaguchi,
Shinsuke Miyajima.
(5ThP.21) Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contacts Using Sputtered Amorphous Silicon and Spin-On-Doping,
The 34th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-34),
Nov. 2023.
Shasha Li,
Shinsuke Miyajima.
(Area5 5TuO5-3) Impact of DC Power on Passivation Quality of Intrinsic Amorphous Silicon Deposited by Facing Target Sputtering,
The 34th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-34),
Nov. 2023.
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Shasha Li,
Shinsuke Miyajima.
[24p-12M-8] Optimization of i-a-Si:H passivation process by DC facing target sputtering deposition,
Mar. 2024.
山口 昇,
Li Shasha,
宮島 晋介.
[25a-P05-4] スパッタおよびイオン注入を用いた高品質(τeff > 10 ms) TOPCon構造の作製,
Mar. 2024.
Shasha Li,
Shinsuke Miyajima.
[20p-D901-2] Comparing Pulsed DC and Constant DC Facing Target Sputtering of Hydrogenated Intrinsic Amorphous Silicon for High-Quality Surface Passivation of Silicon,
The 84th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2023,
Sept. 2023.
ShaSha Li,
Shinsuke Miyajima.
[17a-PA05-5] Optimization of 2-step deposition process of i-a-Si:H passivation layer deposited by facing target sputtering,
The 70th JSAP Spring Meeting 2023,
Mar. 2023.
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