平松克規 研究業績一覧 (6件)
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Tomoya Sasaki,
Katsunori Hiramatsu,
Masaki Tahara,
Hideki HOSODA,
shuichi miyazaki,
Tomonari Inamura.
Effect of Heat Treatment Condition on Texture in Ti-Mo-Al-Zr Shape Memory Alloy,
Advanced Materials Research,
Trans Tech Publications,Switzerland,
Vol. 922,
pp. 622-625,
Katsunori Hiramatsu,
Masaki Tahara,
Tomonari Inamura,
Hideki HOSODA,
shuichi miyazaki.
Effect of Cold-rolling Rate on Texture in Ti-Mo-Al-Zr Shape Memory Alloy,
Materials Science Forum,
Trans Tech Publications,Switzerland,
Vol. 738-739,
pp. 262-266,
Jan. 2013.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
Tomonari Inamura,
Tomoya Sasaki,
Katsunori Hiramatsu,
Yuri Shinohara,
Masaki Tahara,
Hideki Hosoda.
Goss Texture in Ti-Mo-Al-Zr biomedical shape memory alloy,
PFAM24(Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials - XXIV),
PFAM24(Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials - XXIV),
Dec. 2015.
Tomonari Inamura,
Tomoya Sasaki,
Katsunori Hiramatsu,
Masaki Tahara,
Hideki Hosoda,
Shuichi Miyazaki.
Texture of Ti-Mo-Al-Zr Biomedical Shape Memory Alloy,
Ti-2015: The 13th World Conference on Titanium,
Ti-2015: The 13th World Conference on Titanium,
Aug. 2015.
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Tomoya Sasaki,
Katsunori Hiramatsu,
Masaki Tahara,
Hideki Hosoda,
Shuichi Miyazaki,
Tomonari Inamura.
Effect of heat treatment condition on texture in Ti-Mo-Al-Zr shape memory alloy,
International Conference on Processing & Manufactuaring of Advanced Materials(THERMEC'2013),
International Conference on Processing & Manufactuaring of Advanced Materials(THERMEC'2013),
p. 527,
Dec. 2013.
Effect of cold-rolling rate on texture in Ti-Mo-Al-Zr Shape memory alloy,
9th European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations,
pp. 122,
Sept. 2012.
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