ZHANGRUIXIAN 研究業績一覧 (13件)
Quang Le,
Brian R. York,
Cherngye Hwang,
Xiaoyong Liu,
Michael A. Gribelyuk,
Son Le,
Lei Xu,
Jason James,
Jose Ortega,
Maki Maeda,
Tuo Fan,
Hisashi Takano,
Min Liu,
Zhang Ruixian,
Shota Namba,
Pham Nam Hai.
Transport and material properties of doped BiSbX topological insulator films grown by physical vapor deposition,
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,
Vol. 63,
pp. 123001,
Dec. 2024.
Min Liu,
Zhang Ruixian,
Quang Le,
Brian York,
Cherngye Hwang,
Xiaoyong Liu,
Michael Gribelyuk,
Xiaoyu Xu,
Son Le,
Maki Maeda,
Tuo Fan,
Yu Tao,
Hisashi Takano,
Pham Nam Hai.
Spin Hall magnetic field sensing device using topological insulator,
Applied Physics Letters,
Vol. 125,
pp. 242401,
Dec. 2024.
Zhang Ruixian,
Ho Hoang Huy,
Takanori Shirokura,
Pham Nam Hai,
Quang Le,
Brian York,
Cherngye Hwang,
Xiaoyong Liu,
Michael Gribelyuk,
Xiaoyu Xu,
Son Le,
Maki Maeda,
Tuo Fan,
Yu Tao,
Hisashi Takano.
High spin Hall angle in BiSb topological insulator and perpendicularly magnetized CoFeB/MgO multilayers with metallic interfacial layers,
Applied Physics Letters,
Vol. 124,
pp. 072402,
Feb. 2024.
Ho Hoang Huy,
Zhang Ruixian,
Takanori Shirokura,
Shigeki Takahashi,
Yoshiyuki Hirayama,
Pham Nam Hai.
Integration of BiSb Topological Insulator and CoFeB/MgO With Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy Using an Oxide Interfacial Layer for Ultralow Power SOT-MRAM Cache Memory,
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,
Vol. 59,
No. 11,
pp. 3400905,
May 2023.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
Z. Ruixian,
H. H. Huy,
Q. Le,
B. York,
C. Hwang,
X. Liu,
M. Gribelyuk,
X. Xu,
S. Le,
M. Maeda,
F. Tuo,
Y. Tao,
H. Takano,
T. Shirokura,
P. N. Hai.
High spin Hall angle in heterostructures of BiSb topological insulator and perpendicularly magnetized CoFeB/MgO multilayers with metallic interfacial layers,
The 22nd International Conference on Magnetism (ICM2024),
June 2024.
Ho Hoang Huy,
Zhang Ruixian,
Takanori Shirokura,
Shigeki Takahashi,
Yoshiyuki Hirayama,
Pham Nam Hai.
Large spin Hall effect in BiSb topological insulator/CrOx/CoFeB/MgO with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy for ultralow power SOT-MRAM,
The 8th International Conference on Applied & Engineering Physics (CAEP-8),
Oct. 2023.
Zhang Ruixian,
Takanori Shirokura,
Tuo Fan,
Pham Nam Hai.
Fabrication and evaluation of fully sputtered topological insulator/perpendicularly magnetized CoFeB/MgO multilayers for SOT-MRAM application,
Intermag 2023,
May 2023.
Ho Hoang Huy,
Zhang Ruixian,
Takanori Shirokura,
Shigeki Takahashi,
Yoshiyuki Hirayama,
Pham Nam Hai.
Integration of BiSb topological insulator and CoFeB/MgO with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy using an oxide interfacial layer for ultralow power spin-orbit torque magnetic memory,
Intermag 2023,
May 2023.
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Ruixian Zhang,
Quang Le,
Xiaoyong Liu,
Lei Xu,
Brian R. York,
Cherngye Hwang,
Son Le,
Maki Maeda,
Fan Tuo,
Hisashi Takano,
Min Liu,
Shota Namba,
Pham Nam Hai.
Study of Metal, Oxide, and Hybrid Metal-Oxide Interlayers for optimizing Spin-Orbit torque in BiSb Topological Insulator and Magnetic Interfaces,
The 72th JSAP Spring meeting 2025,
Mar. 2025.
Ruixian Zhang,
Quang Le,
Brian York,
Cherngye Hwang,
Xiaoyong Liu,
Michael Gribelyuk,
Xiaoyu Xu,
Son Le,
Maki Maeda,
Tuo Fan,
Yu Tao,
Hisashi Takano,
Pham Nam Hai.
High performance spin Hall sensing device using BiSb topological insulator,
The 72th JSAP Spring meeting 2025,
Mar. 2025.
Ruixian Zhang,
Ho Hoang Huy,
Takanori Shirokura,
Pham Nam Hai,
Quang Le,
Brian R. York,
Cherngye Hwang,
Xiaoyong Liu,
Xiaoyu Xu,
Son Le,
Michael Gribelyuk,
Hisashi Takano,
Maki Maeda,
Fan Tuo,
Yu Tao.
High spin Hall angle in BiSb topological insulator and perpendicularly magnetized CoFeB/MgO multilayers with metallic interfacial layers,
The 71th JSAP Spring Meeting 2024,
Mar. 2024.
Ho Hoang Huy,
R. Zhang,
T. Shirokura,
S. Takahashi,
Y. Hirayama,
Pham Nam Hai.
Integration of BiSb topological insulator and CoFeB/MgO with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy using an oxide interfacial layer for ultralow power SOT-MRAM cache memory,
84th JSAP Autumn meeting,
Sept. 2023.
Ruixian Zhang,
Shirokura Takanori,
Tuo Fan,
Pham Nam Hai.
Fabrication and evaluation of BiSb topological insulator / perpendicular magnetization CoFeB multilayer film for SOT-MRAM application,
83th JSAP Autumn meeting,
Sept. 2022.
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