Publication List - Akihiro Takahashi (3 / 523 entries)
Journal Paper
Akihiro Takahashi,
Tamaki Inoue,
Saki Yamagata,
Kazuki Horikoshi.
Centrifuge model tests on suffusion-induced deterioration and its consequences in seismic response of levees,
Soils and Foundations,
Vol. 65,
Mar. 2025.
Official location
Wentao He,
Akihiro Takahashi.
Dynamic response analysis of monopile-supported offshore wind turbine on sandy ground under seismic and environmental loads,
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,
Vol. 189,
Feb. 2025.
Official location
Lihang Hu,
Kiyonobu Kasama,
Gang Wang,
Akihiro Takahashi.
Assessing the influence of geotechnical uncertainty on existing tunnel settlement caused by new tunneling underneath,
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology,
Vol. 155,
No. 1,
Jan. 2025.
Official location
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