菅原雄介 研究業績一覧 (2件 / 409件)
Mari Kurata,
Ming Jiang,
Kotaro Hoshiba,
Yusuke Sugahara,
Takahiro Uehara,
Masato Kawabata,
Ken Harada,
Yukio Takeda.
Experimental investigation of a powered lifting assistance device introducing direct touch between the caregiver and the care receiver,
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology,
vol. 13,
Mar. 2025.
Yuhang Lei,
Ming Jiang,
Yusuke Sugahara,
Yukio Takeda.
A 3-dof parallel continuum robot with large orientation workspace: Modeling, simulation and experiment,
Jan. 2025.
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